Hey, I’m Nakula.

I have written a book called “Foundations,” a technical treatment of the Cornerstone. The book is a useful resource for sermon ideas, bible study content, and makes a good conversation starter for science - faith topics.

About Foundations

This book is about the cornerstone that God laid in Zion, well explored, well revealed and well expounded using a mathematical model. The author simply sheds a brighter light on the tenets of the plan of salvation as established by Jesus Christ. To well informed bible students, reading this book could be breath-taking. The author points out how precisely the cornerstone was laid and where it was laid. It reveals how every truth of scripture is hinged on the cornerstone God laid in Zion. Whether it is identity, theodicy of good and evil, jurisprudence and even the well-being of mind, soul and body, the book illustrates beyond any doubt that they are all founded on the cornerstone. In addition to building one’s faith the book provides a mathematically proven path from the creation of the home of Adam (earth) and the fall to reconciliation of man to God and restoration of all things in paradise. After reading the book the reader must be inspired to plant themselves on the cornerstone and appreciate wisdom, knowledge and understanding just as God has ordained it for humans to experience.

Cornerstone Composition

“The intersection of the line and the plummet results in two right angles, with the right-hand one serving as the cornerstone.”

Excerpts from Foundations

Cornerstone Pseudonyms

  • “Judgment and Righteousness

  • Mercy and Truth

  • Wisdom and Understanding

  • Law and Gospel”

Ingredients of Good Theology

“The line and the plummet are the fundamental building blocks of good theology.”

Appreciation for the Book

“I enjoyed reviewing “Foundations.” Nakula Mwambwa is gifted with a spiritually rich mathematical mind and ability to focus, dig deeper and clearly explain scriptures relative to the cornerstone, the sure foundation, the word, which is Jesus Christ. The way she has explained the cornerstone, suddenly makes the whole lot of scriptures -especially the psalms, proverbs and such prophetic books as Isaiah and Amos - meaningful and invaluable for every Christian to live by. Her use of the mathematical concept to reveal God’s truth about Jesus Christ and salvation is breath-taking. This is one book the likes of me and I may use as an accompaniment in Bible studies. Congratulations Nakula! This work is honourable and magnifies God and helps in kingdom building.”

Chrispin Ntungo. Ph.D., ASQ-CQPA.

“Nakula - I read and reread your work for substance, skill, and style.  You have tacked very large concepts using technical modeling and a visual style.  This is the work of a brilliant engineering mind.  You have the ability to use technical language to express complex concepts as visual objects; this is not natural to me.  Your work made me slow down, think visually, rather than linearly.  You must me an extraordinary engineer.

Keep writing!  I encourage you to teach this material while you continue to write and to hone your craft.  There is an art and discipline to writing to which I can only aspire, and I admire you!  Be diligent because God has put into your heart to write, so write what He puts into your heart.

Bless you, bless you!  This work is the passion of your mind eye and a delight to read.”

Kevin Kurtz. Faculty, Dallas Theological Seminary


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